Web Developer

What is back-end and what is its role in programming?

Back-end relates to what is behind the applications developed in programming. In other words, everything that gives structure and support to the machine user’s actions is called back-end.

Operations carried out through a computer, from the simplest to the most complex, require guidance, determining how these functions will behave. Therefore, creating these instructions, testing them and keeping them active are tasks performed by a back-end programmer .

Chatting with someone via messages, downloading content or posting a photo: whatever it is, back-end development is always there. If you want to know more about this part of the program, continue following the article we prepared and find out more!

What is backend?

This form of development relates to what is behind the applications developed in programming. In other words, everything that gives structure and support to the machine user’s actions is called back-end.

When we access a website, for example, behind its aesthetically friendly presentation, there is a communication of information exchanged between the database and the browser. Therefore, behind the director’s graphical interface , the backend is always acting.

Differences between backend and frontend

While front-end developments are related to the visual area of ​​applications, such as design, layout of text and image sections, presentation, HTML, CSS languages, colors and other points; back-end development is everything that makes it possible to function.

Therefore, front-end and back-end are closely linked, but the second is focused on databases and servers; responsible for updates, changes, security, content management, structure, etc. If we take the example of social networks, their operation is only possible with a database that contains information such as name, date of birth, profile photo, and so on.

What does the back-end encompass in its universe?

The programming aspects can take different paths. In other words, a software developer can work in the front-end or back-end area. When your domain reaches both sides, its name becomes Full Stack .

In the case of the back-end, what are the points that are linked to your way of programming? Check out:

Databases and servers

A server is responsible for providing services to computers. Databases , in turn, are like a huge source of information, and it is through them that applications become dynamic.

When performing a search, the result is brought according to the search in the database. We can then say that this information center is accessed indirectly, from an external application.

Data security

At a time when digital transformation practically dictates processes within the corporate world, data is considered a very valuable asset and is constantly the target of attacks.

Therefore, when programming in the back-end, the developer must always follow best practices, aligned with a security standard that is reliable and resistant to intrusions, especially regarding theft of personal information.

Programming languages

The development of the back-end language goes through several stages, from planning to construction, implementation and maintenance of the structure that supports the application.

As the back-end is considered the nerve center of any website, its tasks may even seem less tangible, since they are not directly related to the design part and are never seen by the external user.

Therefore, it is recommended to know programming languages ​​such as Java, TypeScript , Node.js, PHP, Python, etc. Furthermore, possible problems must be anticipated and avoided before they even happen.


The API is defined as an interface that enables communication between systems with different technologies, through a language that is accessible to both sides.

In this way, APIs connect databases, applications, software and services. Consequently, this eliminates the need for a very complex programming format.

Experience and UI

When accessing a website, the user observes whether it is efficient, intuitive and easy to use. Your experience is extremely important for the good performance of applications. When this process is not enchanting, there is a high chance that someone will not return to the site.

When we talk about e-commerce platforms, this point is even more delicate, as the user wants to research and make their purchases in a hassle-free way. If basic requirements, such as loading speed, are not met, customer dissatisfaction can be enormous.
