Web Developer

What is JavaScript? Discover how it works and benefits

Do you know what JavaScript is ? The initial objective of this programming language focused on transforming web page processes into something more pleasant and dynamic for developers.

Over time, its application reached deeper levels of use, and, currently, it is one of the most relevant technologies present on the internet. Do you want to know more about her? So, continue reading the article we prepared and learn about its features and benefits!

What is JavaScript and how does it work?

JavaScript is a programming language that makes it possible to implement complex objects on web pages . Content on pages that are constantly updated (news sites, for example), interactive information in graphics, 2D or 3D animations, etc. All of this is only possible thanks to JavaScript.

Unlike remote executions, which are done on web servers, JavaScript is known for running programs locally. This way, it is in a client server format , that is, on the client side.

Thus, internet pages can program, process and transform data, communicating with content in HTML language. This same content also has the possibility of styling, due to the CSS applied in the process.

Codes written in JavaScript and executed in a browser make it possible to update the content of a web page without it being completely loaded. This creates a wide variety of complete software that meets different demands.

In this way, websites and applications with a high level of complexity can be developed, in addition to simpler applications, aimed at smartphones, for example.

JavaScript and Java are NOT the same thing!

It is common to take the terms JavaScript and Java to mean the same thing. It is important to highlight, however, that even with practically identical nomenclatures, the two technologies are completely different.

The Java programming language was created by Sun Microsystems . The JavaScript language, previously called LiveScript and Mocha , took advantage of the success of Java to give strength to its creation.

The two languages, however, should not be confused, as they have very different objectives and determinations:

  • Java is statically typed, while JavaScript is dynamically typed;
  • Java relies on its class-based object orientation, and the JavaScript language is based on prototypes,
  • Essentially, the Java language is most used in back end. JavaScript, in turn, is more applied on the front end.

Differences between JavaScript, HTML, CSS and PHP

It is possible to classify web development into four different sections: HTML, CSS, JavaScript and PHP. The application of JavaScript in the programming language is the key to creating content that updates dynamically.

With it, development can be more agile , where it is also possible to obtain control of images and multimedia. This is a big difference, given that user interaction with the web requires continuous innovation.

Considering the user experience (UX), information for information’s sake is not enough. Content becomes increasingly complex. Maps, graphs, animations, data updated at specified intervals, JavaScript takes care of all of this. But what about other development sectors, what do they represent?

  • HTML: This is a language that gives meaning and structure to web content. This is defined in forms, paragraphs, insertion of images, videos and tables, for example;
  • CSS: this language is linked to style and design, that is, to the way the page presents itself to the user, determining font types, colors, positioning of information, etc.
  • PHP: with the PHP programming language, application extensions can be developed, with the entire development process streamlined.

Advantages of using JavaScript

Among the benefits found in using JavaScript online and which make it so popular, we can mention the ease of learning it compared to other programming languages. Following this logic, it is compatible with different platforms, frameworks and browsers.

Errors and discrepancies in the development process can also be identified and corrected in a very simple way. In addition to these points, other advantages observed with the use of JavaScript are:

  • Designation of web page objects or specific events, such as personalized clicks and mouse scrolls;
  • Validation of data entries without the need for manual checking of information;
  • No need for a compiler, since web browsers make interpretations with HTML,
  • Speed ​​and lightness in loading pages, enabling greater interaction and keeping the user present for longer.